Stratfield Turgis & Hartley Wespall Cricket Club

2023 Senior Match Fees

Senior Match Fees 2023

Saturday League / Full Matches

£12      Standard match fee

£6         For those in full time education or not in work


Midweek League / 20:20 Matches

£6       For all players

Wherever possible,
fees to be paid by Bank Transfer.

Sort code 09-01-51

Account 18335502



Please provide a suitable reference so that the captains can easily track you have paid.

For example:

  • Your name or initials - to identify yourself
  • 1, 2 or MW - for 1st team, 2nd team or Midweek
  •  Date of the match - e.g. 28th May = 28/5
  •  If possible, also include the name of the opposition

So,  Craig Strudley playing for the 2nd team on 1st May against Twyford would pay £10 with the reference:

CS 2 1/5 Twyford